It is an HONOR
To the Parents, Counselors, Teachers, Principals..
It is with great pleasure, and an honor to tutor your children and students.
All Students have the capacity to learn. If the Student is struggling with a concept, I ask why, and how can I help…what do I need to do so the student understands…
“STEAM” is the core of why, how and what I tutor and mentor; science, technology, engineering, art and design, and mathematics. My university degree, and my years of professional career experience includes every element of “STEAM”.
Learn from a professional who truly cares!
For greater than 25 years, I, Mr. Field has practiced professionally, which gives me practical business and management experience, insight, critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Mr. Scott Field has served as Academic Chairman/Department Head, Curriculum Coordinator and Development, Professor in Land Planning, Landscape Architecture and Interior Design at a Fine Arts University, Southwest University of Visual Arts.
One of many of his responsibilities included developing the curriculum for the Students, as well as writing and teaching courses based in science, technology, engineering, art and design, and mathematics. With Scott’s years of experience, he can tutor English, reading, writing (technical to creative), history and geography. And, to round out the Student’s education, with a Black Belt in Taekwondo, Scott has experience and passion in many activities; golf, baseball, football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, hiking, biking, swimming, skiing, yoga, pilates…coach, tutor, mentor in fitness, health and wellness.
Upon completing high school, Scott attended the University of Arizona and earned a university degree, a 165 units, 5-year, Landscape Architecture degree and Minor in Urban Planning. Studies included Arts, Language, Design, Planning, as well as Sciences of Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Maths of Algebra, Geometry and Calculus.
Beyond the many physical activities that Scott is involved in; hiking, biking, golf, volleyball, swimming to name a few, Scott is a Martial Arts Black Belt (student and instructor), Varsity baseball athlete in high school, Eagle Scout, and twice Fire Walker (with Tony Robbins).
Currently, Scott is tutoring K-5, Primary and Secondary School children. By way of Zoom or Skype, tutoring sessions are laser focused at 30 minutes in length per subject. Homework will be assigned and must be completed before the next tutoring session.
Feel free to send an email with a question, and to set up an appointment, if desired. I would be happy to have an initial consultation to discuss your situation and answer questions that you may have.

Get in touch!
Email me
In your Subject bar, please write in that which applies, along with the subject(s);
Tutoring, Coaching, Mentoring or Teaching, or combinations of.