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More love and less spending, whether it’s your valuable time, a run to the dollar store, or picking up a surf and turf at the grocer.  You can do a lot to show how much you love your love.  And your time is always important as we never know when that time will be not.

One tip, speaking of time, is to do what you can early, almost as if you are getting things a week ahead such as cards.  Whenever I get to putting it off, it ends up the day before and you know what that means, lots of people running around, few cards available and things just picked over.

If you haven’t been to your local dollar store, get over there and check it out.  There are all sorts of fun things to pick up and for little money, such as;

Valentine Balloons

Instead of flowers such as red roses that can be 5 to 10 times the regular price for Valentine’s Day, buy Helium-filled balloons from the dollar store.  There is a large variety of balloons for all occasions including Valentine’s that are fun, big, all shades of reds and pinks, lots of color, heart shapes and various designs for a dollar each.  You can surprise your Valentine with a bouquet of balloons that will last for days!

Gift Basket

Make a personalized gift basket from the dollar store.  It’s fun and unique instead of a pricey stuffed animal, unless the dollar store got in some fun stuffed animals.  You can buy a small basket or a big martini glass.  Fill it with pink/red tissue paper, Valentine’s candy, travel-size lotion, soaps and body washes.

Valentine Note

Buy a nice Valentine’s Day card and write down 5 things you love about your partner. Does he/she make you laugh?  Is he/she a hard-worker?  Does he/she help around the house?  Does he/she remind you how beautiful you are?  Really take a few minutes to think about what drew you to him/her when you first met and what you really admire now.  This costs just a few dollars for a card, but will be a sweet keepsake.


Make a massage coupon offering a 15, 20 minute foot massage or back massage to your Valentine.  This costs nothing but your time.  Set the mood with candle light, soft music and a nice oil or lotion.  You don’t have to be a professional massage therapist to do this. It’s more about giving your time and attention to your lover, especially if you have lost a bit of romance or connection.

Romantic Home-made Dinner

Over the closest weekend, make a romantic dinner at home.  Instead of paying for an over-priced Valentine’s Day dinner at a restaurant.  We’ll do our favorite, a surf and turf.  Buy a nice filet and pair it with grilled shrimp or lobster tail.  He’ll get it going on the grill, some wine, a martini.  Have a favorite bottle of wine or our favorite Prosecco chilling.  The accents; a fresh salad, some thin asparagus on the grill, and a red velvet cake…mmm awesome.  Get the candles going, some Diana Krall playing, or a good romance movie.  This always costs 1/2 the price of what I would pay for a similar meal in a restaurant.  Then take your Valentine out for a drink, listen to a local music group or go dancing.

And Then…

Keep the romance and fun going.  Over the weekend with a couple other budget friendly activities from a little something something in the morning.  Add something in the afternoon, and more candles, music and drinks and massages in the evening.  Maybe in between all that a short hike, a bicycle ride, an early movie at the theater, a breakfast out.  This is staying on a budget.  This is a great way to enjoy Valentine’s Day, but not break the bank!  And, like you do with Christmas, put a few dollars away each month for next years Valentine’s Day/Week!

Click on the image above to take you to this and another delicious dinner idea.  Photo by Scott.