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Daily Meditation

Quick daily meditation has been an adventure and my mainstay for the past seven years.  I have incorporated meditation into my overall routine of health and wellness. I look at meditation as an essential part of my mental health and well-being that must be done consistently to maintain good mental health like brushing your teeth and flossing daily is good for oral hygiene. Meditation is an excellent way to stay calm and centered. It takes little time and little to no money. Here are a few tips for consistent daily practice.

Meditate 10-15 mins daily—I do this first thing in the morning before I get distracted with other things. I commit to 10 to 20 minutes at most that way it’s easy to do daily.

Meditate in a quiet and comfortable environment-I usually meditate in my bedroom it’s dark and quiet. I can lie down with pillows under my knees and get comfortable this works well for me because of back issues. But you can certainly do the traditional seated meditation.

Try Youtube for free guided meditations as well as soothing meditative music—you may need to experiment with different types of meditation tools. I have an app on my  iPad with various types of water sounds like rain drops, rain storms and thunder. With your eyes closed, the rain and distant thunder sounds and feels so good if you live in the desert.  You want anything that is soothing you’re able to focus on that it’s not too distracting.


Keep at it!—There are many times when my mind is busy with thought during meditation this is normal and to be expected. When your mind wanders and you notice it, focus back on the meditative music, the guided meditation. Take deep breaths and focus on your breathing—I use this technique often.

Quick daily meditation is progressive and unique to each person- Do not compare yourself to others. Each person is unique and each meditation can be different. You will notice very subtle changes over time if you consistently meditate. My insomnia and anxiety has decreased significantly through daily meditation.