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Male in Studio

di Vino

panno rosso


One of several table top pieces working with colors, light, shape and form of a variety of materials, man-made and natures…visit the gallery to compare and contrast other pieces.

Madonna Caldwell Denny

The Madonna Caldwell Denny Art Collection…page is under construction, “if you don’t mind the dust” feel free to view the gallery and posts of the art as they appear.  Feel free to sign up for notices when posts are published…takes a peek into a time…a post WWII period, late 40’s, a young, beautiful woman in college, ideas, thoughts, artistic values…


Visit the Gallery


lady black woman walking dog poodle

Lady Walking Dog

A lady or woman walking a dog is no new concept.  There are many examples.  However, there are none as unique on so many planes or dimensions as this lady walking a dog!  If you have a moment, take a peek at our Lady Walking Dog blog to see some of our thoughts on this post WWII piece of art.


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