Just One Thing After Another
Surviving any emotional storm, the past year has tested me on more levels than I have been challenged in my entire life. I have endured serious illness/poor prognosis, a failed career, unemployment, financial uncertainty, starting a new business, COVID-19 and relocating to a foreign country. Yes, it has been quite an unprecedented year!
Through these ups and downs, I have relied on several strategies that have helped me stay the course and weather the storm.
My Morning Routine
As much as possible, I stick to a routine. Every morning I meditate for 15-20 minutes before I do anything else, and if I have time, I may extend the meditation. Breathing exercises of 30 quick and deep breaths with a 2-minute breath hold is a recent addition to my morning routine, doing a set of 5. This helps increase energy and focus first thing in the morning. I spend a few minutes praying to my higher self and listing several things I am grateful to have in my life.
Diet and Exercise
Because of my illness, I changed my diet and greatly decreased my carbs including very little alcohol. Although this has been tough and inconvenient to follow this diet, I have found I am more alert, energetic, and endure fewer mood swings. Exercise, working out 5-6 days per week mostly walking, stationary bike and weight training is a must. If I am feeling anxious or depressed, exercise always lifts my mood.
My Pace
I work on my business at my own pace, because I have an illness that impacts my energy levels, and I can no longer work 10-12 hours per day. I break things down into manageable steps, and if I feel like doing more I will work longer. However, I really pay attention to how I am feeling. Breaks are definitely in the routine, as well as short naps if I need to. There is no getting upset or beating myself up if I can’t work that day. Part of my down time can be in the form of time spent researching, reading and learning from other entrepreneurs.

Let It Go
I have learned to let things go, be more flexible and plan for the short-term rather than the long-term. This is a fluid and ongoing process, as some days I am better at this go-with the flow attitude than others! In years past, I would be organized and plan things months and years ahead. My world changed overnight after my diagnosis, and now the uncertainty of COVID-19. I don’t have the luxury of time and our new normal with COVID-19 is a world where restrictions, delays and uncertainty is a way of life. The more I can relax and not push against these uncontrollable situations, the calmer I remain.
Down Size
We have down-sized our lives selling a two-bedroom condo of stuff including our two cars. We are spending the next 5 months working and traveling in Portugal, Spain and Croatia. We knew that this move would require a lot of work and change, but of course, it is liberating to be rid of most of the stuff and now have the ability to travel and explore! Finally, I am giving myself permission to enjoy my remaining time and be present in this moment. I think that is the most precious gift anyone can give herself!