bags are packed…
The following are a few travel links and ideas to get you started in your research and bookings for travel flights lodging and transportation for your Mexico medical tourism.
Whether you are looking to have plastic surgery a knee or hip replacement with orthopedic surgery or stem cell therapy or a myriad of other surgeries and treatments offered through Pulse Protocol with excellent surgeons facilities and affordable your research and bookings can be fast and easy.
Overall, Kayak has been a nice go to site for flights, hotels, and car rentals, as Kayak tends to alert you to COVID-19 travel restrictions, as well as potential forms you may need to fill out for flying to Mexico and other countries.
A good site for comparing and booking flights, hotels/resorts and car rentals.
This is a good and pretty fun site to determine various ways one can travel from point A to B.
An interesting site that lists many travel sites in several travel categories, as well as a couple blogs to look into.
A good site for checking and following flight times and prices.
An affordable membership site for good deals throughout the year that you can have sent to your email.
Another good site of many for comparing and booking flights, hotels/resorts and car rentals.
There are plenty of other sites as you may have seen on TravelSites.com and those that you rely on.
And Google Flights may be another good one to look into, especially if you are immersed within the Google realm.
If you are a fan of Facebook and groups you can sign up with, there are expat groups in most every town or city that you can join and scroll through various questions asked and ask your questions about places to stay and things to do. As you probably know on Facebook, you’ll get good responses, but you can also get rude responses.
You may prefer one over the other though Vrbo and Airbnb are good places to start as vacation rentals both short term and long term from affordable to luxury condos to unique eco lodges.
Again Kayak and Expedia are just a couple sites to start with if you don’t already have a favorite.
OneTravel is a good site for researching prices on lodging as well as travel and car rentals.
Car rentals Uber Didi Lyft
Car rentals outside the U.S. are not our favorites even so called U.S. based rental companies as…ughh…don’t even want to get into it on this piece. However…renting a car may be best for you and you probably have your favorite that you can rent right at the airport.
However…depending on your needs, the Uber type services may be all you need to get around, from labs and doctor appointments, shopping, groceries, dining, to and from the hospital, and to the airport. Fares tend to be affordable leaving room for a better tip.
The taxi’s seem to have a hold at the airports…so get a price and ticket at the airport and providing a nice tip is always appreciated.
Didi is another ride service worth comparing to Uber for reductions in prices. Having both apps on your phone just makes for good competition.
Since you may be combining this trip with some rest and relaxation time at the beach, some of these sites above are also good in recommending various entertainment activities and ideas for you, and or your spouse or friend that is traveling with you.
Everyone has different travel desires and needs, so whether you are looking for a quick in and out trip or to spend a couple/few weeks resting and healing, with a nice budget in mind or a high end resort stay, there is a place to stay and enjoy pre and post surgery.
A fun place to further your research is Pinterest. Type in search questions for where you want to travel, such as best places to visit in Guadalajara, top 10 places in Puerto Vallarta, etc. All sorts of articles and images pop up to scroll through, giving you nice ideas for neighborhoods, resorts, activities in your town where the surgery will be, as well as best travel tip blogs.
Or, maybe the surgery will be in Guadalajara, and then you travel to Puerto Vallarta to relax on the beach.
Blog Articles
Just like typing in keywords and phrases to search on Pinterest…typing in the “top 10…” or the “Best…” on Google will land you several articles to scan for great information. The following are a couple blog articles with lots more information and maybe too much though a few more advertisements to muddle through 🙁 then the few starters we provided.
24 Best Travel Websites to Save You Money
Moving Forward
Upon deciding to move forward with Pulse Protocol, you’ll receive your Medical Travel Package FYI:
Short List of Preparatory and Organizational Information
Last Bit of Important Reminder Information to Read
Contact Information
Medical Agenda

mmm to recover in a setting like this…photo by Scott…Ripples and Ripples LLC

Hello, I'm Joanie
I am a Health & Wellness Practitioner and Educator with beliefs and philosophies in Eastern and Western medicine, practices, and alternatives. Having retired with well over 25 years of professional practice as a Nurse Practitioner, FNP, and Surgical Nurse, RN, I take great care in the consultation of my clients.
Simple Meditation to Simply Improve Your Life
by Joan Denny, FNP
If you, a friend, or a loved one have always been curious about a meditation practice and what that entails, then Joanie’s book Simple Meditation to Simply Improve Your Life is the book for you.
Medical Tourism in Mexico
by Joan Denny, FNP
This guidebook was created for anyone considering cosmetic surgery in Mexico. Included with this guide are some 50 preoperative and post-operative checklist and questions list to cover all the bases so you can have a smooth surgery!

This is not a medical office and nothing on this website should be construed as medical and legal advice. Although I’m a retired Nurse Practitioner, I’m not your Nurse Practitioner and no medical-client relationship is established with you in any way. All content on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.
Let’s Connect
Joan Denny, FNP (ret.), is a Coordinator/Facilitator with Pulse Protocol, and if you move forward with a procedure, would receive compensation, at no extra expense to you. When you click on the images, or the links, and after reviewing the medical procedures and services of Pulse Protocol, if you have any questions, please fill out the form and submit to Pulse Protocol. Thank you.
And, FYI, we have no affiliation with any of the above listed travel services.