I have set out on a journey to move to another country and reinvent myself. This is an idea or dream that I have kicked around for a few years, but really came into full swing one year ago. I thought returning to school to receive my master’s degree in nursing approximately 8-9 years ago was reinventing myself meaning I would be going in a different direction and increase my scope of practice and level of autonomy/responsibility. While that is certainly true, it really pales in comparison to the life-changing aspects of uprooting my American life and walking away from traditional healthcare and heading toward uncertain, completely different work.
Our current plan has been to sell everything and relocate to Europe for 5 months while establishing an online business that can be run from anywhere in the world. We will travel/work overseas from approximately 6/1-11/1/2020. The decision to move for several months rather than making a permanent move is due to issues of visas, family in the USA and testing an area before we make the greater commitment to move fulltime.
Often, life throws us many obstacles and unknowns especially when undertaking such a huge endeavor. The average person may accept that these changes would be difficult at best. One of my many personality quirks is I often underestimate the level of difficulty that is on the horizon. I am shocked that things aren’t easier. Depending on how you look at it, this may seem like pure stupidity or lack of fear!
Decisions, Desicions, Decisions
For the past year, we have been faced with weekly or daily decisions that must be made quickly. The list goes on and on; planning, researching, selling items, estate sale setup, setting up travel and lodging in our base new country, establishing an organized and viable online business, and discussing plans with family and friends.
These plans have been coupled with the many challenges of the COVID-19 virus often adding to the timeline and frustration. I did not for see these delays and what impact they would have on on my anxiety and energy levels. The saving grace has been my meditation practice and adopting a healthier diet and exercise routine. I know I would not be able to power thru these times without this foundation.
Also, my partner Scott is a rock star! He does the job of 2 people, the work horse of our online business with his IT and design talents. He is calm, clean, organized and tireless in his efforts. He rarely complains and has a very clear vision for our company. I bring money to the equation, some artistic and collaborative abilities as well as my mom’s artwork that we are repurposing. While we have different artistic aesthetics, both of us have come up with good ideas that add to the creativity of our online business. I am pleasantly surprised how we have been able to work so well together especially while having little alone time!
A year ago I thought at this point in time I would have a well-established online business, as well as, much less fear about moving overseas. In 2019, we spent one month in Portugal as a scouting expedition for spending a longer period of time in Europe in 2020. Some of our questions and concerns were resolved with this initial trip. However, the COVID-19 virus has added to the feeling of uncertainty. While I would feel much more secure if I had confidence that we have a fool-proof plan, that really is unrealistic. No one knows that a job or marriage will last, but we hope for the best.
My faith and trust in my Higher Self/Universe has been tested time and again during this process. If I take a step in one direction and have a desirable outcome, I keep moving in that direction. This journey has been taking a thousand small steps and letting my Higher Self show me the way. There has been an incredible level of energy and work involved taking these small, yet calculated steps.

I am shocked that this process has taken so long especially since I have worked harder in the last 6 months than I had in the previous year. There is something to be said when you are creating something of your very own. I would never work at this level of intensity as an employee, and I have a very strong work ethic! But this is the first time in my life that I have worked totally on my own meaning I can work hard or not, but it is totally my decision. There is an aspect of pride, fear and excitement that comes with being an entrepreneur.

Going For It!
Going for this dream has been scary and exciting. At the very least, we will have an interesting summer/fall checking out new countries and new experiences. We may not move to Europe permanently or have great success with our online business. If I do not take the chance, I would always wonder what if? I am about to find out!
Beautiful, heartfelt story. Thank you! Wishing you strength, patience, persistence and good health… love & light always.