Private Art Collection
Madonna Caldwell Denny
from the 1940’s
a painting from the 1940’s
Lady Walking Dog
The Lady Walking Dog is such a unique concept…I mean a painting of a woman walking her dog, her poodle, has been done for decades. However, if you were to think about this painting from the post-WWII, late 1940’s, this woman, her age, fit, the attitude, the style, from where…New Orleans, New York, what about Miami with attitude…Paris? Which city does this lady reside, from the late 1940’s post-World War II era? And, the poodle, is perfect, same confidence, and on and on.
This original painting is a treasure. We’ve researched and found many woman walking poodles, all white woman, and most depicted as wealthy from the 1930’s, 40’s and 1950’s.
Madonna painted this in art studio, watercolor on a matte board, 15″ x 20″.
$25,000,000 (part of STUDIO TRUST FUND)